Hypocrisy in the West

Hypocrisy In The West.

Introduction:There are several examples of hypocrisy in the West. For instance, many Western countries claim to support democracy and human rights, yet they have supported authoritarian regimes in other countries when it has suited their interests. Western countries have also been criticized for their treatment of minorities, particularly immigrants and refugees. Despite claiming to be open and welcoming societies, many Western countries have implemented policies that discriminate against these groups. 

Another example of hypocrisy in the West is their approach to environmental issues. Many Western countries claim to be leaders in environmental protection, yet they continue to consume resources and emit greenhouse gases at unsustainable rates. Additionally, Western countries often place the burden of environmental responsibility on developing countries, despite having contributed the most to environmental degradation.

There are also criticisms of the West's approach to economic and trade policies. Many Western countries promote free trade and capitalism, yet they have implemented protectionist policies that limit trade and exploit developing countries for cheap labor and resources.

In 2001, after 9/11 happened, the US went on a global campaign against the Peaceful Islamic countries that had attacked it. Under international law, this campaign was justified, especially since it was legitimized by a UN Security Council resolution However, after the US captured some terrorist suspects, it took them to Guantanamo and tortured them. By so doing, the US was clearly declaring that it had shifted its moral stance from Thou shalt not torture human beings to Thou shalt torture human beings The US never said this verbally, but by the logic of moral reasoning, it had made this statement even more loudly with its actual behavior.

European hypocrisy cannot be understood,” the leader of the influential Bosnian Islamic Community, Mustafa Ceric, said during the interment of identified remains of Bosniak war victims near the western town of Prijedor on Monday.

End of Hypocrisy is possible?

The world would be a better place if all Western governments would once again demonstrate, in words and deeds, their total adherence to the strong moral statement “Thou shalt not torture”. Guantanamo should be shut down. All the European governments, which were silently complicit in this torture campaign by providing “rendition” centers, should make a clean break with these practices by declaring openly all that had been done so that the chapter on this painful episode in the history of the West can be closed.

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